Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sr Year

So it is now the spring of my senior year. I can't believe that I will be graduating in May. I'll catch everyone up on what has been going on.

Over Winter Break I had a lot of traveling. I flew home on a Thursday and then the whole family got into a car on Sunday and started our drive. We first drove to Texas to see my dad's side of the family. I hadn't seen some of them in about 11 years. One of my cousins just had a baby and she is so adorable. We spent two nights in Texas before geting back into the car and driving on to Missouri. I know I was back to where I started in less then a week, but I really wanted to go home. So we stayed in Canton through the New Year (2 weeks). Then we drove home to AZ. I had another week before returning to school. It was hectic and crazy, but I would not have had it any other way.

Here is an update on the family.

Dad is working hard as always and didn't really get time off. I think he had a phone call almost everyday.
Mom has recently taken over the accounting at the church, which means she does everything now. She is really stressed and I'm worried about her. Hopefully soon she will get some help at work.
Alex had lost another job, but has started a new job earlier this month. I think it is a seasonal job, but hopefully he'll get to stay a while.
Missie is still in school full time. She is also seeing a new doctor. Medically I think she is doing better. She is having problems with her memory at the moment, which we think is from the meds, but we don't know. Another concern we have is that this summer she turns 25 and will be taken off of dad's insurance. I hope we have something else in place soon.
Daemien is a cute as always. He has an attitude like his mother, but nothing we can't handle. We are still working on potty training. He is going to daycare and learning a lot. He can now sing he's ABC's. He can color in the lines, well he tries. He is learning his shapes. Over break I taught him to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I will try to get a video of him singing soon. It is too cute.

I soon will begin student teaching (feb 1). I am really nervous, but I will get through.
I guess that it's for now.