Friday, June 5, 2009


I guess I should catch everyone up. I am now home from school for the summer, but for me school is not out.

I started the summer out completing my 40 hours of junior early field. It was really fun, because I was placed at my old elementary school with my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Lee. I am still finishing my paperwork for that and my practicums.

I am also taking a class online along with taking two classes at the local community college. On top of that and all the homework I have Daemien in the afternoon, because Missie is also taking a class this summer.

I guess I should catch everyone up on the rest of the family as well. Mom and dad celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary yesterday. They are working hard.

Sadly to say recently both Missie and Alex have lost their jobs due to cut backs with this economy. Missie has returned to school to get a degree as an RN. Alex had to stop going to school and is looking for a job.

Missie, mom, and dad have joined a company that sells Video phones.

Daemien is in the process of being potty trained and doing alright. He is as energetic as ever. He recently learned how to do somersaults. He is also very good at animal sounds. I still can't believe that he is already 2 1/2 years old.

Well I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone is doing well.